Monday, October 18, 2010

saya dan doktor?

In your life, have you ever seen your doctor? Of course, every person may see his/her doctor, at least once in their life.
So how you communicate with your doctor? Who are speaking more, you or your doctor?

Remember the last time you visited your doctor….to complain about your health, your illness and so on…do you remember, what the first question your doctor ask?

“ sakit apa?” isn’t?

In this article, I will discuss about medical communication that I studied from my health psychology class. Just want to share with all of you this beauty knowledge.

This will benefits you, if you are doctor, or future doctor, nurse or future nurse, or you are somebody that wants to improve your communication skills with patients, who come from your family members, your parents, and your siblings and so on.

There are three fundamental models of physician-patient relationship.

Firstly is active passive model. This model is used when patients in unconscious conditions, has a mental disorder, or got trauma and at that time, they cannot decide any decision about their health care. So that, doctor has power to make decision in health care matter in behalf of their patients. For example, when a patient has a mental disorder, the doctor will takes a place to make choice regarding his health care, from the arrangement of diagnosis, until the choice of types of treatment.

The second one is guidance cooperation model. This model describes that a doctor plays major responsibility concerning health issues, from planning of analyze the illness, until the selection of treatment to the patients. The patient merely involves in decision making about his health care. He/ she just listened what doctor said, cooperated and followed it without curiosity to know deeply about his/ her health- illness concern. The patient will be asked about their health-illness, and the patient answer that question, but unfortunately, the patient usually leaves the thinking and decision about their health to his/her doctor.

The third one is mutual participation model. This model explains that a doctor and the patient share responsibility in making decision regarding the health care matters. The doctor will give the explanation about the different methods of diagnosis to diagnose the patient’s illness, and the patient will give his/her opinion about the methods that is best to apply to him/ her. This model acknowledges the patient as a person who has freedom to make decision about his/her health-illness.

p/s : madam hariyati advised me to practice writing more and more. so I do it. :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

salahkah menagis kerana gagal exam?

dunia pelajar ada turun naiknya...kadang-kadang cemerlang, kadan-kadang gagal...

tapi salahkah menangis kerana gagal exam?

bagi pendapat saya, hamba yang hina ini, merasakan tidak salah...

kita manusia, punya fitrah untuk sedih, punya fitrah untuk mengalirkan air mata...

kekasih Allah, nabi Muhammad SAW, pernah menangis dlam hidupnya. tak salahkan?

saat Nabi diuji dengan kehilangan Ibrahim, ank kesyangannya, lantas Sahabat bertanya: " Ya Rasulullah, kamu menitiskan air mata?"

wahai sahabatku, aku menangis atas pemergian ankku, ttapi hati ku REDA.

menangis tidak salah...tapi di dalam hati harus reda. jangan disalahkan takdir. jangan pernah bersangka buruk kepada Allah. optimislah. semuanya ada hikmat.

di dalam setiap amal kita, bukankah kita mahukan Allah mencintai kita? dan bukankah Allah sangat mencintai hambaNa apabila dia melakukan sesuatu kerja, dia melakukan dengan ITQAN. BERSUNGGUH-SUNGGUH.

bersungguh-sungguhlah dalam study, bersungguh-sungguhlah dalam merubah diri, bersungguh-sungguhlah dalam berdakwah


kita mahu dicintai Allah..

bersungguhlah dalam study, kita perlu berusaha dan terus berusaha..

samaada kita lulus atau sebaliknya, OPTIMISLAH...

sumenya ada hikmat...

sumenya mengajr kita erti seorang HAMBA...


belajarlah kerana Allah, nescaya kamu tidak akan RUGI.